The Veil Between The Worlds Is Thinning

Posted by Janet Blades on

During the season of Samhain, the veil between the world of the deceased and the world of the living is at its thinnest.

The veil between the worlds begins to thin around October 15th with the veil at it's very thinnest upon the eve of October 31st. The veil will continue to be thin through November 10th. During this time, divination, scrying and communicating with our ancestors is at its highest point.

With the veil now at it's thinnest, we divine answers, making contact with our ancestral spirits, embracing our heritage in celebration with those who have crossed over into the spirit world. An old ancient rite tells of writing a message to our departed loved ones on a piece of paper and casting it into the cauldron's fire. As the paper burns, your message is released and will be acknowledged by the recipient. You can also write your intentions for change and renewal in this same fashion.

How To Use A Pendulum To Connect With A Spirit

One of the most simplest ways to communicate with those who have crossed over to the otherworld, our family and friends, is by using a pendulum. A pendulum is simple tool used for communicating and gaining guidance from the spiritual world. The pendulum amplifies signals or energy vibrations emanating from a spiritual guide or the divine energies you've called upon. These vibrations focus their attention on the pendulum and cause it to move in specific directions, giving you answers and guidance to the questions you put to the tool.

To use as a divination tool, hold the pendulum with your strong hand, very steady so it doesn't move. Ask your question:

Yes - an up and down direction.

No - a side to side direction.

Maybe - a diagonal direction, from the lower left to upper right corners of the circle.

Don't Want To Answer - a diagonal direction , from the lower right to the upper left corners of the circle.

Probably Yes - a clockwise circle.

Probably Not - a counter-clockwise circle.


Thinning of the Veil Oil

Thinning of the Veil Oil was created in the aiding of the connecting with the Underworld, necromancy work, divination, clairvoyance, third eye and related deities. It is a sacred oils associated with these times, charged with intention and essence of spirit work.

To be used on people and objects, they are also used in rituals and ceremonies.

To use an oil to dress an object like a candle, you can rub oil downward on the candle to attract and upward to banish. Many like to also then roll the candle in herbs, glitter, and flower petals. You can get creative with the candle’s colour and the oil type for a powerful mixture.

To anoint, place a drop of oil on the skin — often on a pressure point or forehead — on a charm, amulet, talisman, crystal, or candle.

Oils are often incorporated into many different practices — magickal or not. To begin using oils in your every day life, put a few drops of an oil on your skin, stone, in a bath, oil burner, or diffuser.

All prepared ingredients according to magical correspondences and traditional recipes made by Mystiques Enchantments Hedge witch passed down through the ages.

May you find peace with reflection, be successful in all of your intentions, and may the magic of the season flow in and around you and yours.

Mystiques Enchantments