Spiritual Uses:
1. Calming and Relaxation: Lavender is widely known for its soothing effects. Burning lavender backflow incense cones can create a tranquil environment, ideal for meditation, relaxation, and stress relief.
2. Enhancing Meditation: The calming scent of lavender helps to quiet the mind, making it easier to enter a meditative state. It is often used in spiritual practices to deepen meditation and enhance spiritual awareness.
3. Cleansing and Purification: Lavender incense is believed to cleanse negative energies from a space or person. It’s often used in spiritual rituals for purifying the aura or a physical space.
4. Promoting Sleep: Lavender’s relaxing properties can be spiritually aligned with promoting restful sleep. Burning this incense before bed can help in calming the mind and preparing for a peaceful night’s rest.
Magical Uses:
1. Protection: Lavender is associated with protection in Magickal practices. Burning lavender backflow incense can create a protective barrier around a space, keeping negative energies at bay.
2. Love and Harmony: Lavender is commonly used in love spells and rituals aimed at bringing harmony into relationships. It can be burned to attract love or to foster peaceful relationships.
3. Healing: Lavender has strong healing associations in Magick. The smoke from lavender incense can be used in rituals for emotional healing, particularly from stress, anxiety, or trauma.
4. Dream Work: Lavender is sometimes used in Magick related to dreams and intuition. Burning it before sleep is believed to promote prophetic dreams or to enhance psychic abilities.
Lavender Backflow incense cones, with their cascading smoke, can add a visual element to these practices, symbolising the flow of energy or spirit in a ritualistic setting.
The cones are crafted using the highest quality ingredients to offer long lasting fragrance. Use these cones with a backflow incense burner.
Quantity: 24