Ancient Associations
Known as Star’s Seed, aniseed has long been associated with divine guidance and celestial energy. Celebrated for its protective and spiritual qualities, it was traditionally used to ward off evil, encourage prophetic dreams, and support communication with higher realms.
Magickal Uses:
• Enhanced Communication:
Incorporate into spells or burn as incense to facilitate clearer communication with spirits and deities.
• Evil Eye Protection:
Add to protection jars or wear in a charm bag to shield against curses, hexes, and ill intentions.
• Prophetic Dream Work:
Place in a sachet under your pillow to encourage prophetic dreams and unlock hidden messages from the subconscious.
• Ritual Purification:
Use in purification baths or sprinkle around sacred spaces to cleanse lingering negativity and prepare for ritual work.
• Inspiration and Creativity:
Carry in a blue charm bag or add to anointing oil for sparking inspiration and enhancing creative endeavors.
Element: Air
Planetary Ruler: Jupiter
Deities: Hermes, Isis
Energy: Protective, inspiring, spiritual
Magickal Uses: Protection, dream prophecy, purification, communication, creativity
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