Ancient Associations
Known as Devil’s Herb in ancient witchcraft, basil has been revered for its power to protect, purify, and attract blessings. Folklore tells of its ability to banish evil, safeguard against hostile spirits, and amplify the energy of rituals. A sacred herb tied to both love and courage, it was often used in rites of renewal, abundance, and spiritual defense.
Magickal Uses:
• Love and Loyalty:
Use basil to enhance romantic connections and fidelity. Place fresh leaves in a charm bag with pink rose petals and clear quartz, or brew a magickal infusion (for tools, not consumption) to anoint candles during love spells to inspire passion and trust.
• Exorcism and Banishing Evil:
Scatter basil leaves around the home or burn dried basil with myrrh to drive out unwanted energies and malevolent spirits. Combine with black salt in a jar spell to protect against curses or harmful intentions.
• Wealth and Business Success:
Carry basil in a green sachet with coins and citrine to attract wealth and good fortune. Sprinkle dried basil near entrances of your home or business to draw financial opportunities and prosperity.
• Protection and Warding:
Place basil at windowsills and doorways to guard against negativity and protect the household. Create a protective charm by wrapping basil with black thread and hanging it near your altar or bed.
• Astral Projection and Dream Work:
Burn basil as incense before bed to promote vivid dreams and aid in astral projection. Combine with mugwort and star anise in a dream sachet to connect with higher realms during sleep.
• Courage and Strength in Rituals:
Carry basil in a red pouch to summon bravery when facing challenges. Anoint yellow candles with basil oil and burn them while chanting for inner strength and resilience.
• Cleansing and Renewal:
Incorporate basil into Imbolc rituals or other ceremonies of renewal to clear out old energies and make way for new growth. Sprinkle around your sacred space or altar to invite fresh starts and positivity.
Element: Fire
Planetary Ruler: Mars
Deities: Hekate, Vishnu, Lakshmi
Energy: Protective, purifying, empowering
Magickal Uses: Love, exorcism, prosperity, protection, astral projection, courage, cleansing
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