Each New Moon is a brand new beginning. It offers the opportunity to make a change, to reorient yourself, or to conjure a new aspect of yourself and your life into being. The Hedgewitch has aligned and charged her potion with all correspondencing ingredients to assist your needs.
With Black being presented through natural Active charcoal for (Grounding, Wisdom, Learning, Protection, Safety, Reversing, Uncrossing, Un-Hexing, Repelling Black Magick, Banishing Negativity, Releasing, Shapeshifting, Defense, Scrying, Pride)
Alone with a perfectly blended concoction of Butters to make this Energy charged Luna Soap using a luxurious blend of Shea Butter, Cocoa Butter and Mango Butter to nourish and cleanse the skin making it a more intense moisturiser which is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, it helps ease dry skin conditions and slows down degeneration of skin cells.
The Core is a Natural Loofah sponge that are very helpful to exfoliate your skin. In addition to this, it is also beneficial for you to eliminate dead skin cells that will automatically give you smooth, youthful as well as glowing skin. It stimulates your skin's blood circulation.
This perfect Soap has the added aroma of warm musk, orange with a touch of sandalwood, patchouli and vanilla , a must have for your New Moon Ritual Work & for every Luna Witch.
Exclusive To Us Made By Us Just For You
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