Reiki & Seichem Attunements
Reiki & Seichim are powerful healing techniques which use universal life force energy for healing yourself & assisting others to heal as well as unblocking & balancing chakras.
Reiki is said to be the masculine and Seichim the Feminine, a beautifully balanced ancient skill which our Reiki Master/Teacher has practiced and passed on for many years.
Learning and being attuned to Usui Reiki and Seichim will embody you with great power steeped in ancient traditions, practice, and techniques, all of which needs to be respected and valued. Usui Reiki has been handed down, person to person for over hundred years, and our Master/Teacher whos linage comes directly from Dr Mikao Usui, is continuing the integrity inherent to its teaching and as such you will be gaining genuine Accident Attunements. It’s not only about knowing how to do Reiki & Seichim, or being Attuned as quick as possible, it's about honouring traditions and respecting the values. With each attunement the student will go through an expansion & a powerful journey, so that’s why our Master will remain your mentor after the attunement to help with your growth.
With Seichim/Reiki level one attunement, it will enable you to give self-healing and healing to family and friends.
You will learn how to put your spiritual protection in place, work with aura and body scanning, learn all about the 21 day healing and It will help you to grow spiritually and open to all.
These 21 days are vital in assisting your body, your subtle bodies and electromagnetic field to integrate this new, powerful Reiki energy stream into your being. As a result of an increase in your vibratory rate to include an expansion and amplification of each Chakra centre, positive changes will occur. As you practice and grow so will your ability. So let each level your attuned to be of Quality not speed. The time scale between each attunement can be very different for each student, and together with your Teacher you will know when to take each step.
Attunement Level two you will:
- receive another four attunements
- be introduced to the Reiki level II symbols that increase your healing capacity
- understand how to conduct a distance healing
- understand how to become more grounded
- learn more about working with people and Reiki
- learn more about protection, room clearing and more
- Learn more about practicing reiki professionally
Reiki Two attunement is about deepening the self-healing already learned in Reiki One and then to become a Reiki practitioner, healing others. The attunements at Reiki Two also elevate the student’s vibration to a much higher level. Students notice how much stronger the Reiki energy feels within them and how much stronger it feels to those they treat. After these attunements, students are also able to use Reiki as distant healing.
Time: 11am - 4pm
You will receive a certificate on completion
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