
The Veil Between The Worlds Is Thinning

Posted by Janet Blades on

During the season of Samhain, the veil between the world of the deceased and the world of the living is at its thinnest. The veil between the worlds begins to thin around October 15th with the veil at it's very thinnest upon the eve of October 31st. The veil will continue to be thin through November 10th. During this time, divination, scrying and communicating with our ancestors is at its highest point. With the veil now at it's thinnest, we divine answers, making contact with our ancestral spirits, embracing our heritage in celebration with those who have crossed over into...

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Mabon - Autumn Equinox

Posted by Janet Blades on

Autumn Equinox is "Giving Thanks". Mabon is the Witch's Thanksgiving, this is a time where the Sun's path crosses over the equator, traveling south. We now celebrate the darkness as the whole world honors equal night and day. The summer is gone. This was the time when the ancients and our ancestors gathered fruits and vegetables from the garden in preparation for the winter. This is a time to give away what we no longer need. We now must reap what we have sown from the spring equinox. Many people find this to be the perfect time for storing their...

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27 Unique Witchcraft Symbols To Boost Your Magick

Posted by Janet Blades on

    When choosing which symbols you want to work with, pick ones that speak to you. Always be aware of the modern meanings of a symbol, because they might not always mean what you think they mean. I’ve added a couple of symbols here which are common within the witchcraft community yet I would NEVER use them personally. The Solar Cross, for example, is an ancient symbol which has been used for thousands of years yet it’s been perverted into a symbol for white supremacy in recent times. Even though this is an ancient protection symbol which didn’t always...

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The Powerful Lion’s Gate Portal Opens on August 8 with the New Moon

Posted by Janet Blades on

What is the Lion's Gate Portal? The Lion's Gate Portal is the name for the celestial event that sees Sirius rising in the sky during Leo season. Sirius is one of the brightest stars and has been considered by some to be a "spiritual sun". On August 8, after a disappearance, Sirius returns to the night sky - a moment that was revered by many old civilisations (like the Ancient Egyptians) who believed it was a time of renewal and advancement. Also coinciding is, the Orion constellation (which includes the Sirius star) which is said to align with the Pyramids...

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What is a Strawberry Moon?

Posted by Janet Blades on

What is a Strawberry Moon? Named for the wild, ripe, and bountiful strawberry harvest that typically occurs during this time of year. It’s said that picking strawberries beneath the light of the moon honors the crops and ensures a bountiful yield next season. Strawberries are considered a food of love, representative of the goddess Freya, and they symbolize love and luck. June’s Strawberry Moon spiritual meaning embodies the magic and fullness of life. This is the best moment to make difficult decisions or to face responsibilities you’ve been avoiding. Start fresh and dive deep into personal growth! Remember to pace...

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